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Expert guidance for stress-free wedding preparation

Planning the wedding of your dreams to the one you love is undoubtedly stressful because it is one of the largest commitments you'll ever make and the most expensive celebration you'll ever host. According to the most recent study, 71 percent of the couples polled indicated that planning their weddings was the most stressful life event, even more unpleasant than looking for a new job.

Even though we can't guarantee a wedding that is fully stress-free, there are several methods to lessen the pressure of arranging a wedding so you can enjoy a special day that is spectacular and unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Never be reluctant to seek assistance

There's no shame in asking for assistance, even though you and your spouse will undoubtedly be the main decision-makers throughout the wedding planning process. Your stress-free wedding depends on it!

There will be a tonne of enthusiastic friends and family members around you. Delegate some of the work to your family members so that they can share the burden. Make sure your bridesmaids are aware of their responsibilities because they will be a valuable source of support leading up to and on our wedding day.

The bride may require emotional support and possibly assistance with the planning process itself as she tours locations, shops for a dress, makes vendor reservations, and more. You can always be there to listen or calm the bride down if she needs a few minutes to gripe or vent about any problems that arise.

Additionally, if you are married at Neelachakra Heights, your Personal Wedding Manager will be there to help you with anything wedding-related.

More than simply words can help you protect your suppliers

Verbal contracts are a big no-no when it comes to your wedding vendors and could cause you a lot of stress. However, requesting a written confirmation could provide you the confidence you need to deal with wedding planning and your big day with ease.

Avoid worrying about things you can't control

It can significantly deplete your energy to worry about things that are out of your control, such as the weather on your special day. Even if you can't entirely ignore these concerns, having a plan B will help you prepare as much as you can if things don't go as planned.

To-do lists should be your best buddies

By the time the wedding preparation is over, you won't be unfamiliar with to-do lists. The secret to easy, straightforward wedding preparation is the modest to-do list, and generating some good ol'-fashioned lists will do wonders for your stress levels.

Even after you've completed all the major wedding planning duties, keep compiling lists. To stay organised throughout the last few days of wedding planning, make a final to-do list.

Be organised and present on the big day

Your wedding day will pass in an instant, even after months or even years of diligent planning, so it's crucial for every couple to be present and take it all in.

It's easy to stay grounded and worry-free on your wedding day by sneaking away a few moments with your spouse. It also helps to focus your very special event back on what it's all about: your love for one another.


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